
How To Find Saved Posts On Domain_9

How to Modify WordPress URLs in MySQL Database Using phpMyAdmin

WordPress uses MySQL database to shop all its data, including site URLs. So if for some reason yous need to change your WordPress URL, it's necessary to tweak some information in MySQL. Keep reading to know how to do it.

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1. Determining the Name of WordPress MySQL Database

Skip this part if yous only have one MySQL database. However, if you have multiple databases and are not certain which one is connected to your WordPress, so follow the steps below.

WordPress stores the MySQL database names and their credentials in the wp-config.php file. Yous can find this file in your root file directory:

  1. Access your hPanel and open File Managing director.
  2. Select the domain name, then click Go to File Manager.
hpanel file manager option
  1. Open wp-config.php and search for DB_NAME. The value of this parameter is your database name. For instance, the name of our MySQL database is u923246418_gagap.The DB_NAME parameter that contains the name of your MySQL database

2. Changing WordPress URLs in MySQL Database

To replace your current URL follow these steps:

  1. Go to phpMyAdmin via your website'southward command console.
  2. The left console lists all of your databases. Select the ane connected to your WordPress site and caput to the SQL tab.Selecting the correct database in phpMyAdmin
  3. Enter the following SQL query :
    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';UPDATE wp_posts Set guid = replace(guid, '','');UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = supersede(post_content, '', ''); UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'','');

    Replace with your current WordPress address and with your new WordPress address.

Your table prefix might not exist wp_. See the correct table prefix on the left console of phpMyAdmin, and update the SQL query.

  • PressGo. You lot volition meet success messages forth with the number of inverse rows. Annotation that the number of rows volition be different for each WordPress website.
    This image shows that you have successfully changed your WordPress URLs
  • The last thing nosotros need to practise is verify the changes. Open up the wp_options table and check the option_valueofsiteurl and home.You should meet your new URL.
    The new URLs in wp_options table
  • If you get fault messages and the queries are not executing, check your code for syntax errors and make certain y'all are using the correct table prefix. Contact the hosting support for further assistance if the error persists.


    We just learned how to change WordPress URLs in the MySQL database using phpMyAdmin.

    Equally nosotros can meet, all the steps above are quite straightforward. Y'all just need to determine the correct database then input some lines of lawmaking.

    We hope this tutorial can give you clear guidance on how to change WordPress URLs in the MySQL database. Kindly leave any questions you have below!


    Domantas leads the content and SEO teams forward with fresh ideas and out of the box approaches. Armed with extensive SEO and marketing knowledge, he aims to spread the word of Hostinger to every corner of the earth. During his complimentary time, Domantas likes to strop his web evolution skills and travel to exotic places.


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